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Raves & Accolades

Dive into the heart of what makes BadAss Creative tick—straight from those who've walked the creative tightrope with us. Here, we've assembled reflections and kudos from our collaborators, a mosaic of experiences that highlight not just our triumphs but the shared journey of innovation and discovery. It's not about us basking in the glow of success; it's about shining a light on the collective brilliance that sparks when curious minds collide with bold ideas

Jay Ingram

Having been associated with Beakerhead since its inception, I've witnessed firsthand the challenges and stresses involved in guiding such an innovative event.

When Parker took the reins, I wasn't sure if they fully grasped the magnitude of the task ahead. However, after seeing them in action, I have no doubt they understand now. Despite the challenges, Parker and their team delivered a stellar Beakerhead, preserving and enhancing its core qualities: surprise, delight, inclusivity, and memorability.

As both a Beakerhead veteran and a participant, I can attest to Parker's exceptional leadership. They are personable, energetic, wise, and endlessly creative. If you're seeking someone to elevate your project to new heights, Parker is your go-to.

Science Broadcaster, Author and Musician


A man with grey hair and a beard, likely Jay Ingram, is smiling at the camera, wearing a striped purple shirt. He is leaning casually on a desk with his right elbow, against a backdrop featuring a large image of the moon, suggesting a setting of a science television show or space-themed studio.

Shone Thistle

Parker is equal parts passion and competence, with a willingness to learn and an open heart to show up for our community when and where they're needed. Parker works diligently to meet the evolving business demands of a growing organization, including the creation of meaningful partner engagement opportunities that allow for unique connections and synergies between all stakeholders.

Executive Director & Calgary Poet Laureate


Steve Klintberg Nagy

Parker has the ability to juggle more production elements than I have seen in almost any producer. They have a depth of creativity and community that shines through all of their work.

In my experience, they seem equally at home in festival settings as in sponsorship boardrooms. They understand developing logistics and marketing that will support partnered artists. Parker has a wealth of skills and the passion to ignite communities around a common idea.

Co-Founder at Virtu Venture, RocketHouse & Spin For Life


Hasina Juma

Parker is a big ideas person who translates that into strategic revenue generating initiatives that are sustainable and bring stability to an organization. As a business professional, they are extremely creative, quick thinker who brings functional business solutions to the table that take into account the nuances from the challenge at hand. They have an unique ability to anticipate where a team needs support and then doesn't hesitate to pitch in on the task no matter how big or small it is. I wouldn't hesitate to work with them in the future.

Relationship Manager


Kathryn Kolaczek

Always the consummate professional, Parker has the innate ability to not only manage complex, large scale events, but more importantly, continually delivers and exceeds expectations. Whether it be employees, volunteers, board members, contractors, Parker uses their skill and tact to not only achieve growth for Calgary Pride but also inspires and brings out the best in their colleagues, often during high pressure, high sensitivity situations. Parker's work seeks to ensure that the voices of those who are most marginalized and vulnerable are considered and heard.

CEO at Alchemy Communications


Erin Melnychuk

Parker is truly one of the most talented and capable strategists I've ever worked with. Definitely not a 'one trick pony'!

Parker has a broad range of talents, everything from team and organizational leadership to entrepreneurship and business development to fund development to event planning and beyond. They are a schemer, dreamer, and collaborator.

What I admire most about Parker is their commitment to building an inclusive community where everyone belongs and can realize their full potential. They aren't just a big ideas person either, they can take that bold vision and break it down into concrete action. However you engage with Parker, I promise you will achieve incredible results together.

Evolved Organizational Development


Jennifer Merio

Parker is one of those rare individuals who understands the link between data and communications in genuinely human terms. From analyzing customer relationship management systems to hand-writing thank you notes, Parker explores all the touchpoints that show that they know and care about the people who are your brand's supporters. Parker has the unique talent of turning reports into accessible, intelligent knowledge that translates into actions, and engages internal and external stakeholders alike.

Parker's projects are successfully executed with attention to detail, clear expectations, and manageable deliverables. They communicate clearly and effectively, and explore the tools necessary to support ease in the workflow. They collaborate with confidence, curiosity, compassion, and so much enthusiasm - essential skills for a leader to bring out the absolute best in their team.

Strategic Branding, Communications & Design Executive


Kris Schinke

Parker is a high energy, creative and enthusiastic manager who works for their customers, both internal and external. They are focused on driving results through employee morale and solid training. Parker’s savvy and humorous demeanor makes them very personable; an asset to their leadership skills.

Parker's effective sales skills and experience make them a natural in any customer environment and their assertive leadership style contributes to a results oriented outcome. I have known Parker for almost 15 years and wish them the best of success in future endeavours!

Executive and Leadership Coach


Heather Shaw

Parker is consistently creative, thoughtful, passionate and inclusive. Their commitment to the LGBTQ2S+ community and unwavering belief in the inherent power of grassroots change makes them a fierce and compassionate leader. Parker usually knows someone who knows someone which makes possible broad-based and far-reaching projects possible.

Communications & Marketing Manager


Sumit Munjal

Parker is an excellent resource when it comes to marketing, business development, fund-raising and live events planning and management. They've provided monumental support in supporting processes and process development for non-profit and excel at fundraising across multiple facets of business.

As a leader, Parker establishes clear expectation and a great collaborator. Having a diverse background that spreads across growing business to get tangible results is their jam and they make it look effortless.

Overall, Parker brings their upbeat energy, professional aptitude, a deep understanding and entrepreneurial outlook to multiple aspects of non-profit and other industries they've worked with.

Marketing & Event Productions Professional


Elliot Rae Cormier

Parker is an outstanding mentor in non-profit management, fundraising development, event production, business acumen, community engagement, relationship-building, and so much more. They've been instrumental in building my confidence as an early-career professional, and I've been fortunate work directly with them at Calgary Pride. Parker is a confident and compassionate leader who encourages and empowers their team, collaborators, and community to be better to ourselves and to each other. Their vast network and their ability to bring out the best in all people and situations they meet makes them a positive force to be reckoned with.

Operations Architect


Ava Riselli

Parker’s diligence and dedication was truly a sight to behold. Rarely do those in leadership roles, especially at such a high level, go above and beyond in putting themselves in their employees shoes to assist them. Parker was always willing to lend a hand when needed and at the drop of a hat would jump on a call to help their team out with any problem that they may have been having.

Digital Specialist


Maddie Papson

Parker is one of the best managers I've ever had the privilege to work for. They are kind, compassionate, and have been able to bring out the best in me, in ways I didn't realize I was capable. They work tirelessly to support the community around them and to make the world a better place. During my time at Calgary Pride, Parker always supported me, providing the tools to allow me to flourish and excel in my position. Their inspirational leadership has shown me the kind of manager I am striving to be.

Administrative Professional


James G Foster

Parker is an exceptional human being whom I've had the privilege of getting to know and work with during my time at TELUS Spark Science Centre. Parker is an outgoing, personable and dedicated member of the Spark/Beakerhead team. Parker's strength lies within their ability to produce large scale festivals with amazingly successful results all the while advancing organizational relationships. Parker is one of a kind.

Fund Development Professional


Daniel Sadler

Parker is a dynamic and energetic individual who blends personal connection with mobilizing community. I have seen Parker take initiative and involve and empowers stakeholders to create tailored opportunities to meet identified needs from literacy programming to organizational structures for volunteers. They speak passionately and listen wholeheartedly, welcoming everyone to events. Parker is a skilled individual, from grant writing and logistics to creative thinking and collaboration, and an invigorating person to work with!

Project Manager


Jamie Campbell

Parker is a natural manager/leader. They empower and uplift their team to deliver outstanding work, and give direction in a clear manner. They have the ability to manage high-stress tasks and are very considerate of what the team has capacity for. They make it a priority to ask how the team is doing and bring an encouraging and empowering element to any interaction I've had with them. I look forward to our paths continuing to cross.

Account Manager & Producer


Derrick Lee

When I first started with Schnitzer, Parker was the one to initially train me. Parker has taught me a multitude of things within the company and has molded me into the person that I am today. Not only work related, but personal as well. In Everything Parker does, they are very professional, enthusiastic and extremely organized. You will not be disappointed in Parker in the slightest.

Customer Service Professional


Kaely Beisiegel

Parker has been a collaborative partner who offers a fresh perspective and breadth of experience to organizational strategy and leadership.

Principal Consultant at Bird Creatives


Sean Farmer

Parkers creativity, dedication and support have allowed me to grow, manage and maintain a business in rapid growth. They are a valued asset and one of my favourite people. I would highly recommend their services to anyone who is looking to add a knowledgeable person to their team.



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